The Vault and AllStephenMoyer

I am Co-Admin on two other True Blood related sites with Shadaliza.


The first site is The Vault which is about True Blood - the show. This site has been active since the show began in 2008 and I started working on it, with the owner Shadaliza, in June of 2009. It's been so much fun to do and I couldn't think of a better way to spend my time. The name, "The Vault" comes a quote from Season 1 of True Blood Episode 4 when Bill and Sookie when to Fangtasia. Sookie asks Pam, Eric's vampire assistant how she remembers her name, and Pam says, coyly, "It's in my "Vault", pointing to her head.

Visit it here: The


The other site I work on with Shadaliza is especially close to my heart. It's a site for the star of True Blood, Stephen Moyer, who plays Bill Compton. We consider it to be the #1 resource for Stephen Moyer information. I am proud to have written the biography of Stephen that has been verified for accuracy by his sister and sanctioned by him and also includes childhood photos that Stephen provided to us. I have also written a section on Bill Compton, which Stephen has read. I set up the Movie & TV section where there is a page for each of Stephen's films and TV projects as well as the new section about Stephen's interest in car racing..

Visit it here: